Academic Publications
Taranvir Kaur, Anjali Pant, Joga Singh, Ashish Suttee, Ravi P Barnwal, Indu Pal Kaur, Gurpal Singh and Bhupinder Singh, “Glass Matrices-Assisted Quantum Dots-Based Biosensors for Selective Capturing and Detection of E.coli” (Submitted)
Aishani Wadhawan, Joga Singh, Himani Sharma, Ravinder Kumar, Ravi P Barnwal, Indu P Kaur, Gurpal Singh, Mary Chatterjee,”Anticancer biosurfactant loaded PLA-PEG nanoparticles induce apoptosis in human MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells” (Submitted)
Neha Singla, Ravi P Barnwal$, G Singh, P Bansal, “Lessons learned from the approaches to statin drug discovery.” (Submitted)
Neha Periwal, Shravan Rathod, Lata Nebhnani, Ravi P Barnwal, Pooja Arora and Vikas Sood, “In-silico characterisation of mutations in circulating SARS-CoV-2 genomes” under revision Journal of Biomolecular Structural and Dynamics 2020
Anil Thakur, Sourabh Jain, Anjali Pant, Akanksha Sharma, Rajiv Kumar, Gajanand Sharma, Neha Singla, Ashish Suttee, Santosh Kumar, Ravi P Barnwal$, OP Katare, Gurpal Singh, “Cyclodextrin derivative enhances the ophthalmic delivery of poorly soluble azithromycin.” Under revision BBreports ($-RPB is corresponding author)
Anjana P., Atul R., Sitender S.D., Saurabh D., Ravi P Barnwal, Bikash Baishya, Rajat Sandhir, “1H NMR based metabolic signatures in live and brain in rat model of Hepatic encephalopathy.” In press in Journal of Proteome Research (2020) (Impact factor-4.1)
Akanksha Sharma, Ananya Shukla, Kriti Attri, Puneet Kumar, Ashish Suttee, Gurpal Singh, Ravi Pratap Barnwal$, Neha Singla, “Global trends in pesticides: a looming threat and viable alternatives.” In press in Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety (2020) ($-RPB is corresponding author) (Impact Factor- 4.5)
Ravi P Barnwal$, Mandeep Kaur, Alec Heckert, Janeka Gartia and Gabriele Varani$, “Comparative structure, dynamics and evolutionary basis of acyl-carrier proteins from different human pathogens Borrelia burgdorferi, Brucella melitensis and Rickettsia prowazekii” (in press Biochemical Journal 2020) ($-RPB is corresponding author) (Impact Factor- 4.33)
Janeka Gartia, Ravi P Barnwal and Kandala VR Chary, “Statistical Analysis of Intermolecular Interactions in Trypsin-Inhibitor Complexes.” (In press in Journal of Biomolecular Structural and Dynamics 2019) (IF=3.1)
Janeka Gartia, Raveendra Anangi, Rakesh S Joshi, Ashok R. Giri, Glenn King, Ravi P Barnwal$ and Kandala VR Chary$, “NMR structure and dynamics of IRD12, a plant protease inhibitor from Capsicum annuum and its structural relationship to other plant protease inhibitors” (In press in Journal of Biomolecular Structural and Dynamics 2019) ($-RPB is corresponding author) (IF=3.1)
Janeka Gartia, Raveendra Anangi, Ashok R. Giri, Glenn King, Ravi P Barnwal and Kandala VR Chary, “1H, 13C and 15N NMR assignments of two plant protease inhibitors (IRD7 and IRD12) from the plant Capsicum annuum.” Biomolecular NMR Assignments 13 2019 pp. 31-35 (IF=0.72)
Smriti Bansal, Joga Singh, Uma Kumari, Indu Pal Kaur, Ravi P Barnwal et. al. “Development of biosurfactant based Graphene Quantum Dot conjugate as novel and fluorescent theranostic tool for cancer.” International Journal of Nanomedicine 14 2019 pp. 809-818 (IF=4.4)
Ravi P Barnwal, F Yang and G Varani, “Applications of NMR to structure determination of RNAs large and small.” Archives of Biophysics and Biochemistry 628 2017 pp 42-56 (IF=3.6)
Ravi P Barnwal, E Loh, KS Godin, Jordan Yip, H Lavender, C Tang and G Varani, “A thermosensing molecular rheostat: structure and mechanism of an RNA thermometer that modulates immune evasion by Neisseria meningitidis” Nucleic Acids Research 44 2016 pp. 9426-37. (IF=11.6)
G Hopping1, J Kellock1, Ravi P Barnwal1, P Law, JD Bryers, G Varani, B Caughey and V Daggett, ”Designed α-sheet peptides inhibit amyloid formation by preferentially targeting the toxic oligomer. Elife 3 2014 e01681. (IF= 7.6)
Ravi P Barnwal SD Lee, C Moore and G Varani, “Structural and biochemical analysis of the assembly and function of the yeast pre-mRNA 3’-end processing complex CF I.” PNAS 109 2012, pp. 21342-7. (IF=9.5)
Ravi P Barnwal Wesley C. Voorhis and G Varani, “NMR Structure of an acyl carrier protein from Borrelia burgdorferi” Acta Crys F SSGCID SPECIAL EDITION 2011 F67 pp 1137-40. (IF=0.50)
Ravi P Barnwal$, G. Agarwal, Y Sharma and KVR Chary, “NMR characterization of Guanidine-HCl based equilibrium unfolding in M-crystallin: Residue level information leads to the fluctuating partially native like topologies.” PLOS ONE 7 2012 e42948. (IF=2.8, $-RPB is corresponding author)
Ravi P Barnwal$, K M Devi, G. Agarwal, Y Sharma and KVR Chary, “Temperature dependent oligomerization in M-crystallin: Lead or lag towards cataract, an NMR perspective.” Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics 79 2011, pp. 569-80. (IF=2.50, $-RPB is corresponding author)
Ashok K Rout, Naren Pradhan, Ravi P Barnwal, and KVR Chary, “Calmodulin like Protein from Entamoeba Histolytica: Solution Structure and Calcium Binding Properties of a Partially Folded Protein.” Biochemistry 50 2011, pp. 181-193. (IF=3.42)
Ashok K Rout, Ravi P Barnwal, G. Agarwal, and KVR Chary, “Root-mean-square-deviation based rapid backbone resonance assignments in proteins.” Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 48 2010, pp. 793-7. (IF=1.43)
Chitnis, Selvakumar C, D Jagtap, Ravi P Barnwal, KVR Chary, S Mahale and T Nandedkar, “ Interaction of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) receptor binding inhibitor-8: A novel FSH binding inhibitor, with FSH and its receptor.” Chemical Biology and Drug Design 73 (6) 2009, pp.-637-643. (IF=2.28)
Ravi P Barnwal$, G Agarwal, Y Sharma and KVR Chary, “Complete backbone assignment of a Ca2+binding protein of the bg-crystallin superfamily from Methanosarcina acetivorans, at two denaturant concentrations.” Biomolecular NMR Assignments, 3 (1) 2009, pp. 107-110. (IF=0.72, $-RPB is corresponding author)
Ravi P Barnwal, M Jobby, K M Devi, Y Sharma and KVR Chary, “Solution Structure and calcium-binding properties of M-crystallin, a primordial bg-crystallin from archaea.” Journal of Molecular Biology 386 (3) 2009, pp. 675-89. (IF=4.00)
Ravi P Barnwal, HS Atreya and KVR Chary, “Chemical shift based editing of CH3 groups in fractionally 13C-labelled proteins using GFT (3, 2)D CT-HCCH-COSY: Stereospecific assignments of CH3 groups of Val and Leu residues.” Journal of Biomolecular NMR 42 2008, pp. 149-54. (IF=3.61)
Ashok K. Rout, Ravi P Barnwal, N Pradhan, A Bhattacharya and KVR Chary, “Sequence specific 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments of a calmodulin-like calcium-binding protein from the protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica (EhCaM).” Biomolecular NMR Assignment 2 2008, pp. 77-79. (IF=0.72)
Ravi P Barnwal, Ashok K. Rout, HS Atreya and KVR Chary, “Identification of C-terminal neighbours of amino acid residues without an aliphatic 13Cg as an aid to NMR assignments in proteins.” Journal of Biomolecular NMR 41 2008, pp.191-7. (IF=3.61)
Ravi P Barnwal and KVR Chary, “An Efficient Method for Secondary Structure Determination in polypeptides by NMR.” Current Science 94 2008, pp. 1302-06. (IF=0.93)
Ravi P Barnwal, Ashok K. Rout, KVR Chary and HS Atreya , “Rapid Measurement of Pseudo-contact shifts in paramagnetic proteins by GFT NMR spectroscopy.” The Open Magnetic Resonance Journal 1 2008, pp.1-16.
Ravi P Barnwal, Ashok K Rout, KVR Chary and HS Atreya, “Rapid measurement of 3J(HNHa) and 3J(NHb) coupling constants in polypeptides.” Journal of Biomolecular NMR 39 2007, pp.259-263. (IF=3.61)
Ravi P Barnwal, M Jobby, Y Sharma and KVR Chary, “NMR assignment of M-crystallin: a Novel Ca2+ binding protein of the bg-crystallin superfamily from Methanosarcina acetivorans.” Journal of Biomolecular NMR 36 (suppl 5) 2006, pp.32. (IF=3.61)
Ravi P. Barnwal$, Tista R.Chaudhuri, S. Nanduri, Qin J and KVR Chary, “Methyl Dynamics for Understanding Hydrophobic Core Packing of Dynamically different motifs of dsRBD of PKR.” Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics 62 2006, pp.501-508. (IF=2.50, $-RPB is corresponding author)
Ravi P. Barnwal, Swati Girdhani and Sambasivarao Nanduri, “NMR Studies towards understanding the activation mechanism of dsRNA dependent Protein Kinase, PKR.” Proc Indian Natn Sci Acad, 70A No.4 July 2004, pp.597-604.
$- Corresponding author; 1-equal contribution; IF-Impact Factor
Book Chapters
1. Ravi P Barnwal$ and G Varani, "Double stranded RNA and end-recognition domains". (Book Chapter in Encyclopedia of Biophysics, Springer-Editor A Ramos 2011). ($-RPB is corresponding author)
2. Venkatesh Ramakrishnan, Ravi P Barnwal, Ashok K. Rout, Hanudatta S. Atreya, Kandala V. R. Chary, “ Rapid Measurement of Structural Parameters in Protein NMR” (Book Chapter in Future Directions in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance; Springer 2009, edited by C. L. Khetrapal and Anil Kumar)
Patent filed to PSCST/DST for “Development of one step detection kit for organophosphates” (2019, PIs. Neha Singla, Ravi P Barnwal and Gurpal Singh, Panjab University)
Patent filed through DRDO for “Development of Magnetic Nanoparticle Assisted Aptamer-Quantum Dot Based Biosensor for the Detection of E.coli in Water Samples” (2019, PIs. Gurpal Singh, Ravi P Barnwal etc., Panjab University)
Patent filed to PSCST/DST for “Development of antibody conjugated gold nanoparticle based lateral flow detection kit for vitamin D deficiency” (2020, PIs. Ravi P Barnwal and Gurpal Singh etc., Panjab University)